Schneeman's Cover Composition: Lazy or Crazy?

Not sure how I feel about these literary compositions since I have not read them,  Although reading through Big Sky magazine Padgett surely knows how to bring the crazy.  In fact, I find that when I encounter Padgett in a little magazine I know I am in for a good time.  Yet I do know that I am not crazy about the composition of the cover, which is far from, well, crazy.  It is generic, a C Press staple.  George Schneeman does the honors for the Big Sky title.  I am sure the cover composition is deliberately not crazy as Schneeman copies Brainard.  Maybe Padgett mimics other writing styles in Crazy Compositions, maybe he lifts lines from other writers.  If so then I really like the cover.  No doubt it helps if you read what you are writing about.  I may do just that as one of the 750 copies of this 22-page chapbook, published in 1974 can be mine for $25.  Not too crazy.  The lettered copies signed by Schneeman and Padgett are a sane hundred.



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