Here is a postcard from George Herms. Berman is really hot right now as recent auction results have shown. Herms is still falling through the crack in the art system. This postcard has the trademark Love with the reversed "E." Sooner or later these lower tier guys are going to come to the attention of collectors. For example in the next six months or so, look out for an explosion in interest in Joe Brainard on the collectors' market. Andy Warhol's presence in the mimeo circuit has already hit it big as the recent sale of a complete run of Fuck You, a magazine of the arts for $16,500 proves. The bulk of this price derives from the Warhol cover on the Mad Motherfucker issue. Signed limited copies of the Edwin Denby issue of C are listed for $65,000. This is mimeo as art piece. In Numbers and Artists Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art shows this is the NOW in the little magazine market. Can a surge in interest in the magazine covers of George Schneeman and Philip Guston be far behind?
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