Open Space's second publication draws on Open Space the magazine for inspiration. Harold Dull's The Door has a mimeo feel, although it was actually lithographed from the original typescript. According to The White Rabbit bibliography, the book had collaged covers, but most of the copies were issued without them. The rare book market backs this up as no copies with the covers are available.
I kind of like it that way. It makes me think of Spicer's Homage to Creeley, which Harold and Dora Dull mimeo'd in Annapolis California in 1959. The Dulls' mimeo job is one of the rarest Spicer items in his entire bibliography.
As for Dull's poems, Ron Silliman wrote a great blog about Dull in 2006 that provides as good a reading of Dull's work as I have seen. Silliman points out how the poems in The Door foreshadow Dull's current interest in aquatic therapy and holistic healing. For me, there is an Iron John element to The Door. Manhood, sexuality and nature are major themes of the poems. Silliman is also right on in singling out The Wood Climb Down Out Of for attention. This long, tourtured poem is the centerpiece of The Door. The poem rose like a phoenix from the dying ashes of Harold and Dora's complex relationship and it is a powerful statement.
- JB
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