A series of three Quotes of the Week printed over the course of three weeks in September 1964. These broadsides are some of the greatest oddities of the entire Fuck You output. They are rare and sought after. The epitome of the spirit of Fuck You, the quotes highlight Sanders’ credo: “I’ll print anything.” Inside jokes of the New York literary scene of the 1960s, the inter-related “Quotes of the Week” could serve as Exhibit No. 1 in documenting the role of mimeo in transmitting gossip and uniting community that was described in great detail in Reva Wolf’s Andy Warhol, Poetry and Gossip in the 1960s and Daniel Kane’s All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s.
The quotes include:
Fainlight, Harry. Fuck You Quote of the Week No. 1. Mimeographed broadside. Single 8.5 X 11 sheet. Issued September 7, 1964.
“I have piles/I thought it was/gonorrhea/it’s terrible/I have to/do all/kinds of/sordid blow job/ scenes/ now.” The quote was spoken by Fainlight at Bickfords in Times Square at 4:50 pm on September 5, 1964.
Ashbery, John. Fuck You Quote of the Week #2. Mimeographed Broadside. Single 8.5 X 11 sheet. Issued September 16, 1964. 4to. Kermani H1b. Number 2.
The full text of Ashbery's remark is: 'Welll [sic], as you grow older, you find there's all kinds of Queens. . . . Peach-pit Queenns [sic]!'
The quote by Ashbery was overheard at a party at Bill Berkson’s on East 57th Street in New York in September, 1964 celebrating Ashbery’s upcoming return to France. The comment was made in reference to Sanders’ recently published Toe Queen Poems.
Koch, Kenneth. Fuck You Quote of the Week No. 3. Mimeographed broadside. Single 8.5 X 11 sheet. Issued September 23, 1964.
“It’s shit. It’s all shit.” Spoken by Kenneth Koch after just having read Harry Fainlight's quote of the week.
- JB
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