We're coming close to the present, the final countdown of Lewis Warsh appreciation month on the Mimeo Mimeo Blog. Jed and I attended the launch for this book with John Beacham in 2008. That might have planted the seed for issue number seven.

44. INSEPARABLE: POEMS 1995-2005. New York, NY: Granary Books, 2008. 6¾x8½" 216 pages. (P)

Offset, smyth-sewn paperback. Full-color cover collage by Lewis Warsh. Author photo by Marie Warsh. Blurbs by Fanny Howe, Cole Swensen and Matvei Yankelevich.

“A collection of all the long poems that previously appeared in limited edition chapbooks, plus some new long poems, ‘Reversible Destiny,’ ‘Sorcerer,’ and ‘Every Time You Close Your Eyes.’ There were also some new poems written in the fragmented form of the poems in The Origin of the World—‘New Way’ and ‘Consecutive Sentences.’ Plus a few short poems. I used one of my first letter collages for the cover, black letters on a white background, with a narrow column down the center of white letters on a colored background. The book was produced by Steve Clay, designed by Brandon Kennedy, and is dedicated to Katt Lissard.” (LW)


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