25. “DISORDERLY CONDUCT.” Great Barrington, MA: The Figures, 1995. 8.5x11" 1 sheet. (P)

Laserjet, single yellow sheet printed one side only enclosed in plastic sleeve, signed. This poem appears as part of Writing for Bernadette, a collection of poems edited by William Corbett and Michael Gizzi. 26 copies enclosed in a purple box, lettered and signed by each contributor, including John Ashbery, Paul Auster, Russell Banks, Bill Berkson, Frank Bidart, Clark Coolidge, William Corbett, Robert Creeley, Kenward Elmslie, Allen Ginsberg, Michael Gizzi, Barbara Guest, Lyn Hejinian, Susan Howe, Fanny Howe, Ann Lauterbach, Ron Padgett, Michael Palmer, Tom Raworth, James Schuyler, Charles Simic, Anne Waldman, Rosmarie Waldrop, Lewis Warsh, and Geoffrey Young. “Pluto in Motion” cover by Joe Brainard. Courtesy of The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. 


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