The above business card epitomizes the "beginning of the end" of Auerhahn Press. The "Made in Italy" in the lower left corner. The card as "very fancy," "exquiste" and "elegant."
Also of interest is the role of the collector in the Auerhahn business plan. Haselwood states in the Johnston interview that he did not want the collectible book at all and it is implied that Hoyem brought that business model into Auerhahn. That is not really the case. As the above quote shows, the collector always had a role in the Press, but it was a question of degree. For Haselwood, collectors subsidized "the rest of the books," which were designed for "everyone." Under the Hoyem model, all the books were "exquiste productions" specifically designed with the collector or connoisseur in mind.
According to Secret Location, "[s]ome of Haselwood's later titles were considered outrageously overpriced when they were first offered for sale at $10 each." Note this is the later titles; the one's after Hoyem's arrival and influence. Yet what is remarkable about Auerhahn Press titles on today's market is how affordable they are. The most expensive Auerhahn title on Abebooks is the signed limited of McClure's Dark Brown, printed on Alexandra Japan paper, handbound in full leather at the Schuberth Bindery, for $1450. This is the first book printed under the new partnership but largely of Haselwood's vision and design. Almost half the Auerhahn titles currently available are $40 or under. The Arion Press Ulysses with etchings by Robert Motherwell is almost $50,000.
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