I drove up to the NY Book Art Fair last weekend with Brian Cassidy. I was very impressed with 6 Decades Books. A great selection of material that is a bit more representative of the art market than the mags and mimeo that we post here, but the focus on artist's books and the book as an object is right on point. 6 Decades reprinted Germano Celant's Book as Artwork 1960-1972, which I was ashamed to be unaware of. Here is the description of the first edition from the 6 Decades website:
http://www.6decadesbooks.com/2010/10/book-as-artwork-19601972-by-germano.htmlJon Beacham was working the 6 Decades booth this weekend and he recommended the 6 Decades website highly. I spent a little time with it today and it is very good with informative and interesting catalog entries of items I am just not as familiar with as I would like. Hopefully some more time on the 6 Decades website will remedy that.
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