Lorne Bair

If you do a search on Abebooks for "mimeographed," you are going to, of course, come up with SF Zines and little mags, but as I have mentioned before, you are going to get lots and lots of military documentation. So if you have read your Kittler and your Virilio, you know the drill. The mimeograph follows the same trajectory of the cinema, the gramaphone, the typewriter, the computer, and the Internet: technologies developed for and by the military and part and parcel of the militarization of everyday life.

But as William Burroughs wrote in the Talking Asshole routine in Naked Lunch, there is always a space in between, an Interzone: "That's the sex that passes the censor, squeezes through between bureaus, because there is always a space between, in popular songs and Grade B movies, giving away the basic American rottenness, spurting out like breaking boils, throwing out globs of that un-DT to fall anywhere and grow into some degenerate cancerous life-form, reproducing a hideous random image."

Exhibit A is Burroughs's abandoned little mag: Interpol.


Lorne Bair's latest catalog suggests some other exhibits: the publications of the American Left and Labor.


Such material is ground zero for the birth of the Mimeo Revolution/Underground Press, be it the publications of the Untide Press or, as suggested in Smoking Typewriters, the publications of SDS.

Lorne Bair always has great mimeo material, including literary items out of Secret Location, but his specialty is the ephemera of the American Left churned out in secret cells, radical churches, and union halls before and after WWII.

Check it out.



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