Okay, just two more things I should mention before logging out for the day: The first is Feelings Using Wolves (great title!) by Emily Kendal Frey and Zachary Schomburg. The photographs on the Small Fires Press website might hint at the complexity and quiet perfection of the printing, but the craftsmanship of the binding and tactile sequence of the papers need to be experienced first-hand. Order direct from the publisher at:

In 1968 nine men and women, some involved with the Catholic left at the time, entered Local Board No.33 in Catonsville, Maryland, seized selective service records and took them outside the building where they were burned with homemade naplam. This action, along with many others going on at the time across the country was a way some activists were showing oppostiton to the war in Vietnam. The nine people involved were arrested and charged on three counts. The trial was held in a Baltimore Federal court, and all nine defendents were found guilty on each charge. The broadside features a long statement of the court proceedings made by Father Daniel Berrigan while on the stand. It is a moving acocunt of their intention and feelings of this action, and reaction to the American political system.
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