Hard Copy vs. Digital

Why do I prefer to have this issue of Paideuma from the Winter of 1978 in hard copy?  Let's forget if we can that this is the Louis Zukofsky issue of Paideuma, a journal dedicated to Ezra Pound scholarship.  Given the copyright stance of the Zukofsky estate, the availability and accessibility of this material online is not assured.  Even if such issues were more clear-cut, I would still want my hard copy.  Why?

Well, my copy has a flyer for the Festival of the Disappearing Art(s) tipped in.

The Festival was held from April 29 to May 7 1979 in Baltimore and Washington DC featuring Steve Benson, Hannah Weiner, Jackson Mac Low and others.  The Baltimore/DC metro area in the late 1970s/early 1980s was a very active and important literary scene.  For example, Barry Alpert edited Vort out of Silver Spring MD.  Douglas Messerli co-edited Sun & Moon out at College Park MD.  Hugh Kenner, the editor of Paideuma, taught at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.


My copy of Paideuma with the flyer captures the interests and history of this particular local literary scene in a way that a scan of the contents of the journal does not.  Each separate hard copy of a little magazine has the potential for such correspondences.  These fossils, this supposedly dead technology, give life to literary history..   


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