From Imitation to Revision

Before Book of Magazine Verse, Graham Mackintosh used a similar design concept for Jack Spicer's 1965 book Language.  As I mentioned in connection with The Holy Grail, the offprint of Spicer's July-September 1952 article in Language, "Correlation Methods of Comparing Idiolects in a Transition Area," was Spicer's first book (with David Reed) as an adult.  Above is the second printing of Language published in 1970.

In Language as published by White Rabbit, Spicer re-writes his early interest in linguistics as poetry.  In 1965, William Burroughs did something similar to Spicer's Language.  Burroughs' first publication under his own name was "Letter from a Master Addict to Dangerous Drugs," printed in The British Journal of Addiction. in 1956  In 1957, there were 50 offprints printed for Burroughs' own personal use.  Like Spicer, Burroughs re-wrote his early article once he established himself as a creative writer.  APO-33 is one example of such a re-write.

Here is some information on APO-33, including an essay on Speed, Apomorphine, Mimeo and the Cut-up :



Unknown said...

That's a great cover.

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