I remember

As you may have noticed the comment field is up and running on the blog.  I don't think we have had any comments yet but do drop us a line if you get the chance.  We would love to hear from you.

I would particularly love to hear any information about Elephant, a mimeo published by John Perreault in the mid-1960s.  From what I can gather there were three issues.  They are quite scarce.  My copy of issue one has a really low-fi feel.  The ink got all over the place. 

This issue of The Serif, a journal of the Kent State Library, seems to be the best source of information.  http://www.cinemagebooks.com/si/007062.html.  If anybody has a copy, please tell me the extent of the information on Elephant.  I am considering getting a copy.

Elephant seems to be a forgotten mimeo.  Anybody remember anything about it?



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