I was hoping that the exhibition made much hay with the idea of the little magazine as architecture. It does to a certain extent, particularly with a publications like On-Site and Form, which was featured in Mimeo Mimeo 3, but the connection of the magazine as a structure, a construction in itself did not dominate this exhibit.
I touched on this approach with my post on Mimeo as Junkspace and I would have loved to hear how a mimeographed architecture magazine reflected the architectural theories of the time beyond mere expediency. Clipping, stamping, folding, stapling, copying, mimeoing, silk-screening, mailing, etc are central to the little mag of the post-WWII era but also crucial means of construction in the field of architecture, as Rem Koolhaus has made clear.
Such a connection seems to be one of the major considerations in analyzing magazines right now. In Numbers and Artists Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art are spearheading this approach. The idea of the little magazine as more than just a representation of the gallery, the museum, the library, the archive, but as an actual structural object, as a radical architecture is in its foundational stage. If you need proof of the immaturity of the study of the publications of the Mimeo Revolution, revisit the Secret Location on the Lower East Side after reading Clip Stamp Fold. The research and archival work that remains to be done on the topic is staggering and very exciting.
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